embrace the man-voice because it's here to stay (i'm being dramatic, truthfully, it's too soon to say. we shall see tomorrow).
Anyway, got home today and i start walking up to my room, thinking to myself that I should probably drink some water, gargle with listerine (we've recently got the fancy green tea flavoured one and i'm really quite curious about how that's going to turn out), and maybe take a nap.
And just as i'm about to enter my room, my mom shouts from downstairs.
"You better listen. drink water, gargle listerine. go to bed. no eating the nuts (what nuts?). you make sure. or you'll never get well. listen to your mother"
It's been 15 minutes and the only thing I've done is (obviously), to eat the nuts that have apparently been sitting on my shelf for a week.
Go figure.
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