melbourne 2012 |
last nights dream was pretty interesting.
let's start with the "terrifying" part first.
so i think it started out as some visit to a convention/conservatory type thing. i remember walking along this building place... but then again, it could've been just a conservatory type park thing. or both. either way. it was really late at night and almost completely pitch black. we were definitely outdoors before any of the crazy stuff started happening. i'd place the time stamp at about 2am (which is ridiculous because what convention or conservatory visit ends at 2am?), i'll explain how i know this later.
penang 2014 |
i was walking with a guy and two of my other friends (i can't remember their faces. as is the usual case) and he had to leave for some reason. so my friends and i just kept walking along. by this time, there were now 4 friends and me (meh, dreams).
we were going to take public transport home and the train station was atop this huge hill. there was a winding bunch of narrow steps to our left that would take us up the hill, cutting through a grassy hilly area- or so it seemed at first. it was late, so we knew we had to hurry. we begun our ascend.
very suddenly, a car, akin to the one in the beginning of "Mississippi Burning" (think that, but more of a ghostly glow, revving, and a sort of paranormal brightness which made it hard to make out who was in the front seat. there was also a sort of fog stemming from the engine). As usual, this was accompanied by some eerie soundtrack of some sort (similar to that from the movie) appeared and started following us. that part was quite freaky.
i was worried for our lives. would they rob us? would they rape and murder us? (i shit you not)
the car would follow us a bit and at one point, as we started to scramble up the stairs, it would stop and sort of just rev up in that area and sort of drift in circles (if that's the right term). and then it'd disappear for a bit and we'd hear the sound of its engine travelling up the hill, where we knew it'd be there at the next clearing, doing the exact same thing. that happened about three times. until suddenly, some really loud (and invisible) clock chimed, the sound echoing through the air.
it was three A. M. the ungodly hour, where spirits come out to play.
i don't know about you, but when i was younger (maybe 2 to 3 years ago), 3am used to terrify me (particularly 3-4am) because i hear all these stories speaking about it as the time the veil between sides is thinnest, it's not clean etc. i used to make sure i slept before 3 or if i didn't, i'd not look around at all, especially outside my windows. and when i checked the clock, i used to feel tingles up my spine when it read 3.00am.
of course that doesn't really happen anymore. but in my dream. i had a logical reason to be terrified.
because right when it struck 3am, the car disappeared... more like drove off in a hurry.. and it was then we realised exactly where we were.
the car had chased us into a cemetery (isn't it always the case).
and i don't know why but in my dream, it was specifically a muslim cemetery. i'd never dreamt about a muslim cemetery before. so this was a pretty interesting first.
at that point, we were hiding on this lowered ledge, pressed against the earth and for me, the roots of a giant tree. it was then we realised we were having trouble moving. the ground was eating us alive.
needless to say there was a lot of panic. two of us got free (the number of people had shrunk back down to 3, myself included) and it was just me stuck in the tangle of roots and ground.
i remember looking ahead and i saw the ground cracking and part of a kafan (white cloth, usually cotton or linen that wraps the bodies for burial) shaking itself out.
at that point i was just yelling at them to help me, but they were too tired and couldn't.
i don't know how, but eventually i got out of it too. there's a really blank spot in my memory for this part.
anyway that's the scary part of the dream (but oddly, i wasn't as terrified as i've been for most nightmares. scared, yes. but not so much terrified, and only at that part).
what i remember before waking up was sitting next to a guy in the backseat of a car and i just felt so safe. it sounds so ridiculous and corny, i know. cringe if you have to.
that was it. just silence. but that was enough.
i suppose freud would have a field day with this one.
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