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self-inflicted. |
there were three deadlines last week, and they were all on the same day.
my most ridiculous friends (as of 2 hours 42 minutes and an unknowable number of seconds ago) are now all the way north west from me in tea and crumpet land.
we all know what this means.
i probably won't be leaving the house for any recreational purposes until they come back. such is life. mine, anyway.
i've also, in all my ill-thought spontaneity, cut almost all my hair off.
t'was a clear saturday... i was supposed to take my nap after work. and well, i didn't. and the result is a much lighter, and lopsided head.
apparently, my logic towards hairdressers is a little flawed.
in my experience, i've never really gotten a good haircut from a hairdresser (although that could be explained by me only visiting 10 buck haircuts and quickcut or whatever but still) and so haircuts are usually followed by angsty mumbling and an innumerable amount of running my fingers through my hair. so, i decided to do something about that.
for a while, that something, was absolutely nothing. i did nothing and i just let my hair grow and grow and grow. then one day, i got really bored of it and chopped part of my ponytail off. i wasn't pleased with it. but the way i saw it, the only person i could really then be mad at would be myself. and oddly, i am a-okay with that.
i'd rather be cross with myself than at some stranger who happened to fall on the misfortune of having to cut my hair and then be cursed silently from the hairdresser's chair.
anita and i had zoey show us the magic of bleach and hair dye last... i'm going to say friday? but i can't be sure. don't know about you, but i quite like it. although, i have more fear approaching educators and employers now because i seem to think they will fire me for my "rebellion" (HA!).
response towards the new hair is pretty good so far. people are very nice.
in line with my somewhat incoherent post.
i really do like hugs. honestly. nice longggg ones. lovely. (this is not an invitation.. ish. it depends really)
i feel like i've come so far. *makes sniffling noises because of seemingly huge achievement* so far.
a year ago, when my best friend hugged me from the back, i literally collapsed and couldn't move. or speak for.. well however long it was until she let go. i couldn't even yell at her to get off. i just sat there until she let go. i think it must've been at least 2 minutes. she's determined, that one.
in any case. i am completely over that.
let me reiterate.
hugs are the ultimate best.
OH. i've neglected to update about my first tutorial!
in short, it was great. excellent. top notch. i loved it.
started out pretty bumpy, everyone was really quiet. but eventually (after my 45 minute lecture about action potentials- i shit you not. i got really into it and started drawing graphs and diagrams everywhere) they opened up to me. they saw the light. they were.
dare i say it?
EDUCATED. *cheers*
haha. i'm so full of it sometimes.
but, in more realistic terms. it really did go well. i'm glad they understood what i was saying, and i attribute that more to them being good students. because i was probably all over the place. it's a miracle. they were great.
i feel attached to them already. and fully understand alliyza (and pravi, and liyann's) term for them now. ahh kids. MY CHILDREN.
ok that was a tad (a lot) bit weird.
anyway, linking time. let's look at all the videos that i've grown attached to over the past week.
one of the saddest things i've watched in my life. i've heard the game is crap, but damn. their trailers are deceiving as heck. SO GOOD.
my computer only runs on cheese.
also, this, which i've become completely addicted to.
i hum along to this on the way to class. either this or magneto's theme from first class and something from paranorman. such is my life for the moment.
there were more, but my memory is comparable to that of a goldfish perpetually swimming around its bowl and still finding everything completely new.
haikyuu's finally ended its season one and i am suffering some sort of withdrawal. it's sad that i am so overly attached to fictional characters. i can't explain it. nor will i try.
if you're in the mood for a new tv show.
check out "the red band society". although i have to warn you. it really is completely new right now, as in the number of episodes that has been released is a grand total of ONE. so, kinda hurts waiting. but the shows got some promise. a little cliched here and there and the romance parts make me cringe a wee bit. but otherwise. it's got some real good stuff.
here's some dialogues
"it's hard to sleep, over the sound of your thoughts."
"your body is not you. your soul is you. and they can never cut into your soul."
which reminds me, i'm to read up on Edison and Tesla. right.
ziezhen is lending me her laptop for my tutorial tomorrow because she's excellent. we're also going to do a chocolate exchange.
i will elaborate no further.
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